2011 Winter Solstice event

Published October 29, 2016 by KEPRI

Came across this album and decided to share it. The purple Pentax was out for repair and I didn’t have the white one at the time, so I shot with my Canon SX20. It’s a “super zoom” point-and-shoot style camera that takes decent photos.

The photos were taken at the Winter Solstice Chamber in Kent, NY. It is one of roughly 200 stone chambers in Putnam County. While their origins and age remain shrouded in mystery (and debate), there is a lot of evidence to suggest they may be Celtic temples that were once used by druids. The very fact that some of them (like this one) align perfectly to the winter solstice sunrise provides an impelling argument in favor of the druids.

Whatever they are, these chambers are beautiful and worthy of preservation. Please visit kelticenergy.com for more information. if you are local and would like to visit one, please visit my Meetup and sign up for an upcoming hike or talk. There currently aren’t any listed but there will be within the next week.

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